Synopsis: Emiliana is a black kitten born in Barcelona. She is almost 15 years old. Her life is very interesting (she narrates it herself) because it is full of adventures: moving, a divorce from her parents, a change of country (she lives in Mexico), discovering new family and friends, and animals she didn’t know existed. 

Director: Alberto Zúñiga

Writer: Alberto Zúñiga

Producer: Alberto Zúñiga, Vicky Rangel

Key Cast: Miriam Sans, Vicky Rangel, Alberto Zúñiga, Andrea Montero, Gato Joan, Mamá Tlacuacha, El Pinto Pinto, El Rubi Rubi, Rulo Rulo, Abuelito Martín, Tío Martín, Abuelito Totó, Tío Slow, Abuelitos Girona, Abuelita Flor

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