Synopsis: “Aithra’s Call” is an animated VR short film, originally projected in 360°, as the first part of the interactive exhibition “Democracy & Eudaimonia” which is hosted in AiTHERION (former Aylon Lyceum), in Athens, Greece. In the exhibition’s introductory Motivation Space, “Aithra”, a digital A.I. entity with seemingly godlike powers, claims that she is a powerful computer system which built AiTHERION for the sole purpose of better understanding us humans.

Director: Panos Anestis

Writer: Panos Anestis, Dimitris Petakos, Lida Arnellou

Key Cast: Konstantina Argiropoulou

Art Direction: Vagelis Kokkalis, Stefanos Milionis

Music: Angelos Mitsios

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